The General Terms and Conditions, as set out below, govern all relationships between the Airsoft & Military Shop (hereinafter "Airsoft & Military Shop") and the customer (hereinafter "Customer" or "Customers").

1. general

The offers of the Airsoft & Military Shop are not binding for the customer. The customer accepts the terms of sale, delivery and payment of the Airsoft & Military Shop by placing an order.

2. documentation

Unless expressly confirmed, the design, dimensions, data, representations and technical data are approximate and non-binding.
The Airsoft & Military Shop reserves the right to make changes to models or products. Any change may be made without special instruction. Their reproduction, even in part, is only possible with the express written consent of the Airsoft & Military Shop.

3. prices

The prices are stated in EURO including VAT. The prices stated in the range offered are the current prices. Prices for special offers are exceptions, which are confirmed explicitly and in writing by the Airsoft & Military Shop.
The prices are not binding. Misprints in catalogues, brochures, leaflets and price lists or similar shall not constitute grounds for a claim for damages.
The Airsoft & Military Shop reserves the right to change prices. The order confirmation by the Airsoft & Military Shop is binding for the customer. Discounts, special offers or price reductions will only be made by the Airsoft & Military Shop and communicated in writing.
The Airsoft & Military Shop does not accept prices, conditions or applications created by the customer.

4. payment

For each order, the Airsoft & Military Shop reserves the right to request payment of the full price at the time of ordering. The costs of the refund shall be borne by the customer. Withholding of payment as well as offsetting with special requests of the customer are not permitted.
In the event of default in payment, the Airsoft & Military Shop shall be entitled, even without exercising the right of withdrawal and without prior reminder, to demand the provisional surrender of the goods belonging to the Airsoft & Military Shop at the customer's expense, provided that the production process in the customer's business is not adversely affected by this.

5. collection/delivery

If the goods are collected on site (75, avenue de la Gare, L-4130 Esch-sur-Alzette), the invoice must be paid immediately.
Complaints must be notified to the Airsoft & Military Shop in writing without delay, otherwise any warranty is excluded.
The delivery and collection period will commence on the day the Airsoft & Military Shop receives the duly signed authorisation from the customer, but never before all execution details have been agreed.
In the event of force majeure, strikes, plant closures, disasters, operational disruptions and material shortages, the Airsoft & Military Shop shall be released from compliance with the agreed delivery period for the duration of the disruption.

6. retention of title

The goods remain the property of the Airsoft & Military Shop until payment has been made in full. They may neither be pledged in favour of a third party nor assigned as security.
The customer is entitled to dispose of the property of the Airsoft & Military Shop for the purposes of his trade as long as he punctually fulfils his obligations arising from the business relationship with the Airsoft & Military Shop.
The customer shall safeguard the rights of the Airsoft & Military Shop in the event of the resale of goods subject to retention of title, if this resale does not take place for cash.

7. collection of the material after completion of the work

In accordance with business practice, the completion of the work will be communicated by telephone, e-mail or SMS.
If the product is not collected within three months after completion of the repair work, it becomes the property of the Airsoft & Military Shop.

8. claims for defects, liability and guarantees

The Airsoft & Military Shop is liable for defects including the absence of warranted characteristics as follows:

  • The customer must inspect the goods immediately upon receipt for any defects or for the absence of warranted characteristics. The Airsoft & Military Shop must be notified in writing of the discovery of such defects within 14 days in the case of non-hidden defects and immediately after their discovery in the case of hidden defects.
  • In the event of a replacement delivery or rectification of defects, the Airsoft & Military Shop shall be obliged to provide the same service as for the originally delivered item; in the case of such replacement deliveries, the delivery period shall start anew.
  • The Airsoft & Military Shop does not accept any guarantee for damage caused as follows for reasons unacceptable to the Airsoft & Military Shop.
  • The Airsoft & Military Shop is not liable for unsuitable or incorrect use, faulty installation or commissioning, natural wear and tear, faulty or negligent handling, unsuitable washing or cleaning agents, chemical, electrochemical or electrical influences.
  • The Airsoft & Military Shop shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from improper modifications or repair work carried out by the customer or a third party without the consent of the Airsoft & Military Shop. Without the express written consent of the Airsoft & Military Shop, any repair by third parties is prohibited and the Airsoft & Military Shop does not recognise the resulting costs.

9. autonomy clause and amendments

The invalidity of individual conditions does not affect the validity of the remaining conditions. Conditions that deviate from or supplement these General Terms and Conditions, as well as verbal agreements, must necessarily be approved in writing by the Airsoft & Military Shop.

10 Applicable law and competent court

These General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with Luxembourg law.
The relationship between the customer and the Airsoft & Military Shop is governed exclusively by Luxembourg law. All disputes arising between the customer and the Airsoft & Military Shop shall be brought exclusively before the Luxembourg courts.

11. other notes and agreements

By signing these General Terms and Conditions, the customer declares that he has read and understood them and agrees to them, in particular he agrees to the underlined paragraphs.
These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to the contractual relations between the applicant or his agents (the customer) and the repairer or his agents, unless there are special conditions established by the latter.
When the estimate is signed, it becomes the final order and both parties agree to abide by the company's general terms and conditions.
